Short description: A method to define collective future vision and strategy by imagining future news or blog headlines announcing milestones, successes, etc
Duration: Ā± 20 minutes
People: 1 facilitator, minimum 4 participants
Material: Sticky notes, pens (if done virtually, use any whiteboard platform)



You need ideas and directions for organizational future strategies.


  • The facilitator prepares 3 prompts, 3 timeframes (E.g. 3, 6, 9 months), and 2 scenarios (1 positive, 1 negative). Participants take 10 minutes to brainstorm ideas for each scenario.
  • If thereā€™s time, feel free to add more information, e.g. Where will the headline appear? Who is going to talk about it? What is the impact/fallout from the headline?

Why Choose ā€˜Future Headlines'?

The predictions from Future Headlines can help your team define and prioritize which strategy and mission to focus on in the future.

Facilitation Notes

  • Providing a scope for social, political, and economical backgrounds might help yield more specific and detailed outcomes.
  • Exercise should be followed up with a discussion within the team to identify opportunities and emerging themes.
  • In a co-design workshop setting, previous applicants and other members of the community can be invited to participate in this activity to help create a shared vision.

Category: Funding Approach & Process, Identity & Strategy


Sample activity layout on an online whiteboard