Digital infrastructure is the foundational free and open-source code that underpins much of the software we use every day. Whether you are a funder interested in starting to support digital infrastructure, curious about refining your approach to funding open source projects, or looking to better connect with your grantees, this toolkit is for you.
Curated starting points of resources and tools, around a unifying subject: Funding Approach and Process, Identity & Strategy, Community Engagement, and Technology.
Explore the Toolkit
1. Defining Digital Infrastructure
5 articles
Get started by exploring a definition and overview, as well as four example profiles of different funders.
What is Open Digital Infrastructure?
The Tech Enthusiast
The Compassionate Change-maker
The Social Advocate
The Innovative Philanthropist
2. Regional Contexts
9 articles
Our 9 regional partners’ present research syntheses on digital infrastructure funding in the context of their regions of the world.
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3. Funding Mechanisms
4 articles
Four case studies that spotlight different digital infrastructure funding mechanisms and funders.
Building Tools for Direct Project Support
Funding with Human-centered Design
Fiscal Sponsorship
Sustaining Open Source as Part of a Larger Mission
4. Narrative Futures
6 articles
Six future scenarios that spark inspiration on how we can shape the digital future in a collaborative, sustainable and equal way.
“Groundbreaking approach brings an end to the subscription trap”
“Green inside?! The carbon footprint audit”
“10 million for a civil society infrastructure association”
“Infrastructure 21.0 that serves you a lifetime”
"Introducing: the right to disconnect"
5. Exploring our Building Blocks
14 articles
A full list of tools + guides for current and future digital infrastructure funders to reflect, engage with grantees, hold workshops, and build strategy.
Funding Service Blueprint
Co-design Impact Metrics
Funder Persona Template
Applicants’ Emotion Journey Map
Draw Your Ideal Grantee
1 article